Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Cathie Rawlings Adams (Barton)
Jane Paulette Adkins
Patricia Lee Arvin (Jackson)
John Baldwin
Lois Kathleen Ballos
Patricia Anne Ballou
Lester Banks
Janet Clare Bannister
Marshall Barrett
Ned Bates
Patricia Ann Benetau
Josephine Lewis Berger
Ronald Eugene Bew
Suzanne Blinn
Franches Bowles
Barbara Breeden
Mary Kathleen McKinney Brown (Rigsby)
Joan Carolyn Busic
Mark Ellison Cardona
Richard Carter
Willie Maria Vincent Carter
David Gray Chalkley
Marjorie Jean Clare
Myra Virginia Cleaton
Linda Gale Cohen
William Hearn Cook
Grover Cleveland Cook,III
Deane Cox
Marjorie Ann Cox
June Carole Day
Anne Powers deColigny
John Cory Doherty
David Earl Eberwein
Barbara Elizabeth Edison
John Douglas Ellis
James Enouchs
Susan Loraine Fels
William Kennard Gills
Marilee Goldberg (Adams)
Ann Lindsay Gray
Ricky Gunn
Robert Lee Hillman
Sharon Dale Hoy
Joan Hume
Allen Burch Hundley
Paula Ann Jurin
Helen Sue Kelly
Claudette Sue Kline
John Henry LaPrade, Jr.
Linda Ann Lawson
Philip Charles Lively
David Haddon Magill
Jean Major
Carol Ann Mann
Clarissa Yvonne Marks
Frances Lee Mason
Joanne Elizabeth Mason (Fuller)
Georgia Dean McCall
Dixie Anette McClenny (Cole)
Mary Sue McDonald
Virginia Irene McGuire
Carolyn Ann Meador
Virginia Fontaine Moody
David Edward Morgan
Susan Carol Mount
Joyce O'Brien (Williams)
Zeynep Gul Ogul
Gerald Wayne Osborne
Sarah Jane Parnell
Julia Bryan Patterson (Michael)
Mark Robin Probst
Douglas W. Quarles
Leslie Joan Ritchie (Walsh)
William Wale Roberts
Larry Melvin Robertson
Russell Johnston Rowlett, III
Marvin Sager
Margaret Sue Schiller
Sandra Judy Shapiro
Martin Louis Sheer
Sue Sarah Sherlock
Carol Diana Silver
Marietta Elizabeth Smith
William D. Smyth, Jr.
Ann Patterson Southall
Betty May Spencer
Anne Curtis Stone
Rosalee Suskind
Diana Elizabeth Sutton
John Thomas
Barry Wells
Sam Whiteside
Patricia Estelle Wilkinson
Constance Williams
Franklin Dwight Williams
Virginia Irene Williford (Hamm)
John Wilson
Linda Woodford
Nancy Kay Woolard (Mantlo)
Hunter Yeats
Ellen Patricia Young

Guest Members

Sue Arenstein (9th)
Bart Aronoff (9th)
Ernie Baker (9th)
Peggy Bareford (9th)
Linda Beddow (9th)
Susan Bowles (Angus Tj'62)
Bob Buerlein (Tj'64)
Terry Carter (9th)
Charlotte Casler (9th)
Lee Christiansen (9th)
Bill Crockett (9th)
Tom Dew (Christchurch)
Betsy Drake (9th)
David Dry (9th)
Pam Fry (9th)
Henry Giley (9th)
Stephen Grosser (9th)
Bettie Hanks (9th)
Connie Harris (9th)
Meade Howarth (9th)
Larry Jones (9th)
Julien McCarthy (9th)
Dorothea Moore (9th)
Keith Moore (9th)
Neil Perkins (9th)
Ronnie Redford (9th)
Tommy Scott (9th)
Stanley Smith (9th)
L. David Straus (Cc Alum. Assoc. )
Clement Tingley (9th)
Nancy Wallerstein (9th)